Sunday, February 22, 2009

This Last Years Blessing

Well, February is almost gone so I better get writing.
Our family has been so blessed these last few months. Well actually, we have always been blessed, it is just that these last few months have brought even more miracles and incredible learning moments. Last year, David was let go from work in February. A year ago this week. David had worked for this company for over 13 years, so it was somewhat of a shock. Ironically, I had been praying for it. I could see what was really going on and knew that David would never quit. He loves his family and he was going to do what ever it took. I remember daily pleading with Heavenly Father to please help there be an end to the situation or that things would improve somehow. I prayed for Heavenly Father's will and prayed that we would be able to handle what ever that may be! When David came home early on February 21st, 2008, I was so elated and I felt an overwhelming feeling of peace. Even though I knew this would be hard for Dave I was so grateful that Heavenly Father had heard my pleas.
The following months took us down some pretty neat paths. As a family, we grew even more close. We have such great children. They were a constant source of peace for us. Their faith was awe inspiring.
There were several times that we saw Heavenly Father had a sense of humor and that we were in His hands. One night as I was praying I remembered that we needed toilet paper. No big deal, right? But it was getting scary seeing only money going out without any coming in! I got side tracked in my prayer and told Heavenly Father what I was feeling. Peace came as I heard Him remind me that all would be fine. We were in His hands. I went to sleep with a calm assurance. The next morning we woke up to 24 rolls thrown all over our yard. Yep, we had been Teepeed. The culprit had even left behind the cardboard that the toilet paper comes on. It took about 2 hours to get it all down but was well worth it! FUNNY!
I could go on and on about neighbors who gave us their extra garden produce and gift cards left on our porch but it would take forever. To know that you are in His hands was the most peaceful feeling and thanks to our friends, neighbors, and family we felt His love daily!
Well, in December, when we had our entire house packed and ready to go to a job in Mesa, AZ, David got a job offer here. It was one that we had applied to over 3 times. It was even available when David had originally lost his job. Perfect timing. How kind and merciful our Heavenly Father is. We are so grateful.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Wow. It's been a year now. . . It's so great you could feel you were in His hands this whole time. That truly is an incredible blessing.