Sunday, February 1, 2009

In the beginning...

Since Alvin Porter loves to be up before the sun, I decided to get this great idea of a blog going. Thanks to you all who have inspired me on. Check Spelling

Once upon a time there was a young lady, LaLoni Maren, who fell in love with the man of ALL of her dreams, David Charles Stott. He truly did exist! (David, after reading this asked, "What happened to me?!") LaLoni was from the warm and heavenly place (David believes it to be from the other direction) of Mesa, AZ while David hailed from Bowling Green, KY. His parents had moved from Salt Lake while he was serving a mission in Fukuoka Japan. David and LaLoni met on a beautiful Sunday at church in the Joseph Smith Building at BYU. LaLoni's father was in a BYU Ward Bishopric at the time and he was the one who spotted David for LaLoni. He told her right before church that he had just met her husband. LaLoni rolled her eyes but really was excited and anxious to see who this great guy was. After seeing him introduced during the meeting, LaLoni was hoping and praying that her dad was right. A few months later, after a long 6 week engagement they were married in the Provo Temple. To keep things short AND sweet, since that amazing day in the Provo Temple over 19 years ago, life has been filled with love, tears, tons of laughter, joy, and pure marital bliss. Who knew that such a wonderful life could be possible in this crazy world?

The Children

LaLoni Estelle

The first to be added to this blissful union was LaLoni Estelle Stott. She joined us in Provo Utah a few days early on August 24th, 1990, bringing even more joy into our home. What an incredible experience watching this little miracle grows and change each day. LaLoni was the fourth grandchild on the Lewis side of the family. LaLoni chose to come on her Grandmother Stott's birthday making her a first time Grandma. Because of the special day she arrived we chose to name her after the mothers (her mother and her grandmother's mother Estelle.) LaLoni Estelle was born with much enthusiasm and energy. She rolled over in her incubator when she was only a couple of hours old and learned to walk at seven months! She was always in a hurry to grow and learn new things. She was also born with great patience, enduring her parents "first time parent" goofs (thank you LaLoni.) Estelle, as her dad calls her, takes great pride in being a true initiation to us as parents. If anyone beside Mom or Dad even looked at her, let alone tried to hold her, she made screaming noises never heard before to the human ear. Whenever we would go to the temple Grandpa Lewis would just drive around in the car for a few hours, not that that would keep her quiet. Thanks Dad. LaLoni, being the firstborn, took on the natural role of master mind behind all schemes and shenanigans henceforth.

David Hyrum

David Hyrum happily joined us just nineteen months later in Provo several weeks early. He came on his Grandpa Stott's and Great Grandpa Barraclough's birthday, March 30, 1992. Because of this he was named after the fathers, David from his father and Hyrum from Grandpa Stott. LaLoni Estelle's best friend had arrived and thankfully she decided now she did not need to sleep in our room anymore. She wanted to be near him always, sometimes a little too much, as several photos might suggest. David was the calm after the storm was one of those "perfect" babies. Just feed him, change him, pop the binky in, cover his face and body with the blanket (minus the feet), and bedaubing - happy baby. He was constantly smiling and happy. Sometimes you would wonder what mischief was behind that smile. He loved cats, but like his dad and Grandpa Stott, mostly entertainment purposes. One of my favorite pictures of his younger years is David holding a its tail. LaLoni became his second mommy. She would constantly check his diapers, insert binkies, rock his car seat, and offer constant loving serenades. Thus began, or rather continued, a beautiful friendship. These two brought more happiness than we could have ever imagined.

Alexis Kaylee

Alexis Kaylee was due on Uncle Jon Stott's birthday but could not wait either. She came several weeks early in Provo as well, on August 17, 1994. Her dad was disappointed that she did not wait just one more week to have the same birthday as her sister LaLoni Estelle. That would have made things much easier for him, you see. Alexis was born with a breathing problem...she would forget to. She was strong though and quite the fighter. Her name means defender of virtue. That she has been. Her middle name is also a combination of her paternal grandparents’ names. Alexis became the last in the Gang of Three but was definitely the more gentile and truly innocent one. The other two stooges would try to pass the blame her way constantly. It is amazing how stupid they thought we were. Like the one time they wrote all over a bunk bed, walls, and other furniture and the two of them made sure we knew that Alexis had been the culprit. Imagine Alexis, now only a year old, writing the names "David" and "LaLoni." Wow, what a genius, I thought she couldn't even draw, let alone write. Alexis took on the role of peacemaker. She hated to see anyone angry or sad. So hers was the job to patch and mend.

Adriana Rose

Rosey was the first and last to join us outside of Utah. It had been almost five years of waiting for her to join us. She came several weeks early as well, born in the hospital alongside the beautiful Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, Ohio on March 5, 1999. It was a beautiful snowy day. Even though she was named Adriana Rose she would eventually be called Rose or Rosey. Her older siblings use to call her "Nanna." Grandpa Lewis said Rosey was not a grandma or a goat so we should consider the calling her by her middle name. She had received that name from her Great, Great Grandmother Rose Millett Lewis. We later found out that she was born on her 2nd Great Grandma Emma's birthday. Grandma Emma had passed away when Alexis' Great Grandpa Eddie was only eight years old from an appendicitis attack. Great Grandpa Charles then married Rose Millett. She was an angelic lady who took on the instant role as mother to Charles and Emma's three young children. I think Emma smiled on her birthday as we chose the name of Rose for our daughter. We are forever indebted to both of these elect ladies. Rosey became an instant best friend to her sister Alexis. Alexis now wasn't the baby anymore and loved the role of being her protector and mom's big helper. Rosey would learn much from her big brother and sisters.

Jonathan Joseph

Jonathan Joseph was a pure gift, coming to our family on May 23, 2002. His brother, David Hyrum, had been praying for him for almost ten years and had decided his name eight years before Jonathan was even born. David's dad has a brother Jonathan. David was sure someday he would get his brother as well and he should be named Jonathan. Then since David's middle name was Hyrum, Jonathan should have the middle name of Joseph like Hyrum and Joseph Smith. Jonathan was born a month early with many complications due to the umbilical cord being wrapped around his neck three times. It took him almost five minutes to take his first breath. He was also born with a crooked right foot. His toe prints were on the outer part of his shin. The doctors hoped that his foot would eventually fix itself when he began to walk or put weight on it. This wasn't to be. We affectionately began to call him our "Little Tiny Tim.” The doctors also after several test and procedures have come to diagnose him with Cerebral Palsy. It is amazing what this one little spirit has done for and brought to our family. He has gone through a lot in his little life but has constantly taught us. We have become more grateful for our blessings, our challenges, and all that life brings us, thanks to Jonny. His first word was temple and loves Joseph and Hyrum Smith with a passion beyond his years. Jonny, David, and his Dad are constant companions. It has been a pure joy to watch "the boys" hang out. With Jonny, it is all about church, sports, and BYU.

Samuel Benjamin

Four years later our little Sammy came along on May 29th, 2006. Samuel Benjamin is names of his grandfathers and a great uncle as well. They were and are great men. Samuel was also a name of one of Joseph Smith's brothers. Sammy came at the perfect time for our family. He was born on the Sunday before Memorial Day. He rallied all of our thoughts and prayers, helping us REMEMBER what really matters. When others thought that we should have been feeling pulled apart with all that was happening, we were so happy and grateful. Samuel has been another one with pure energy. He is somewhat of a bodyguard for his older brother Jonny. One day at the zoo, a boy was making fun of Jonny and Sam went over and knocked the boy over. His brother David and sisters were all quietly proud of Sam for watching out for his brother.

Alvin Porter

Alvin Porter is now the only child with his own birthday month, being born on November 10th, 2008. Yes, Alvin comes from another one of Joseph Smith's brothers. David and Jonny won this one. What an amazing spirit he brings to our home. We truly love him and are so grateful for his timing as well. It is amazing to watch each and every one of our children lovingly care for him. He is greatly loved in our home. Samuel will not leave him alone. He is anxiously awaiting the day when Porter can wrestle and catch.


Carol Ann Stott said...

What an honor to be the first to comment! What a journey through memory land and recall some of the history of your family. It is great to read all the joy you feel about your family and their purposeful names and heritage. You certainly have been blessed in all the eternal joys meant for this life. May you find much joy as you proceed from "In the beginning" forward.

Your jewels are forced in the Living Gospel of Jesus Christ and will light the way for many to follow! What joy they bring to us and what joy they bring to so many.
We love you all!

Jana Perkins said...

Great job LaLoni! Your blog looks amazing. Sorry I wasn't there to help. Talk with you soon.

Kim said...

I'm so happy you started a blog!!! It is awesome!!!! Yea!!!!

Heather (moy) Blau said...

Hi Laloni,
Great Blog page! I'm glad you got everything figured out. How did you get your family picture on the right side of your page? I'd like to do something like that to. Great Job. Heather

John, Karalee and family said...

Looks wonderful! We love and miss all of you. When you talk about David and Jonny, it makes me think of David and Johnny. You have done an amazing job on your blog. Keep it up. We will be following it!

Shelley said...

Laloni, You have such a wonderful family!